Courses: 1 - 12 of 15
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As old as you feel - promoting age diversity at work
"Age is something that doesn't matter unless you're a cheese... (Billie Burke) Does age matter where you work? Is everyone treated fairly? Is your diversity policy being implemented effectively? Both young and old can be discriminated against because of their age. But legislation now makes it unlawf... read more
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Building the multicultural team the global scenario series
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Complaints: Five tactics for handling complaints effectively
This training resource will ...Enable all customer service staff to deal and manage with customer complaints effectively. Very few organizations get everything right on every occasion. When things go wrong, sometimes it's no-one's fault. Accidents do happen and they occur without warning. However, t... read more
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Customer-Oriented Marketing Strategies Featuring: The Second City
With an understanding of their core competencies and strategic moves to market their expertise, The Second City has built a relationship with its audience that continues to grow today. What they do best is listening and reacting to their customers, and it helps them to market their product to a vari... read more
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Distribution Decisions: Featuring The Second City
For The Second City, a variety of marketing channels are used to distribute their comedy as both a flexible service and a signature product. As a product, consumers purchase tickets directly through their box office or online through their website. As a service, students and business personnel seek ... read more
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Flexible Budgets and Overhead Analysis: Featuring The Second City
For nearly a half century, The Second City has been North America's premiere live improvisational and sketch comedy theater company. It's two Chicago stages regularly play to sell-out audiences and the company has build successful theaters in Toronto, Las Vegas, Denver and Detroit. They've also deve... read more
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Inside information
A silo-buster's guide to internal customer service
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Managing in Turbulent Times: Featuring The Second City
For nearly 50 years, The Second City has been the foremost live improvisational comedy theater in North America. Managers at The Second City have had the challenge of planning, leading and controlling a company based on radical creative talent. Their greatest successes have been directing this creat... read more
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Meetings, bloody meetings
The aim To enable people to organize and chair meetings that are more effective and more motivating for those who attend. About the program Meetings, bloody meetings is the best-selling video that defines the five disciplines that transform a gathering into a professionally run business meeting. In ... read more
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Meetings, bloody meetings (2012 Edition)
How to make meetings more productive
This training resource will...Enable people to organise and chair meetings that are more effective and more motivating for those who attend. "I've got to go to a meeting"It's a phrase that makes most people's hearts sink. It echoes with boredom, frustration and a general waste of valuable time. And ... read more
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Pricing Decisions: Featuring The Second City
With a variety of entertainment options for the consumer, The Second City has designed an approach to pricing that is both competitive in the market and lucrative for the company. Each of The Second City's corporate branches has their own strategy to sell their product at a reasonable price. They ke... read more
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only