Courses: 1 - 12 of 1,612

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Get ready for the reactionListen to the response. If they get emotional, ride the storm. If they clam up, probe. If they argue, stand your ground.
"To Don't" List
Most of us have "to Do" lists. But sometimes we over commit. So on occasion you might want to think about creating a "To Don't" list. It helps you prioritize. Focus formally on "To Don'ts!"
DVD style course with completion certificate only
10 Vital Rules for Giving Incredible Speeches and Why They're Irrelevant
Once a year, Toastmasters International gathers its representatives from chapters around the world to present its prestigious Golden Gavel Award. In 1990, the award went to Tom Peters, certainly one of the most requested speakers in the business world. In accepting the award, Peters addressed the au... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
1440 Minutes
Every man, woman and child on the planet wakes up each morning with the same 1440 minutes. It's what they do with them that makes all the difference.Every day contains 1440 minutes. This motivational meeting opener challenges the viewer to use every minute to it's fullest. Using both historical foot... read more
New Release DVD style course with completion certificate only
The 19 E's of Excellence
Tom lists 19 words that encompass "Excellence"
DVD style course with completion certificate only
20x12=240 - Lunch Opportunities
20x12=240. 240 is the number of potential useful opportunities to connect with someone in your organization. Use it to build relationships. Use it to mend relationships. Use it to Connect with people. It's a powerful tool.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The 3 H's
Tom describes the extraordinary leadership talents of Howard Schultz, Conrad Hilton and Herb Kelleher. Treat employees like customers, stay in touch, sweat the details, it's always about people.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
3 Inroads for Handling a Narcissist
DVD style course with completion certificate only
3 Minute Apologies
Think about setting aside some time for three minute calls. Tom believes nothing is more powerful (and difficult) than apologies. If you fail to do this, it can set of a downward spiral. If you do it, it can create a virtuous spiral.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The 3 Most Important Words
It may be hard to say, but here are the three most important words for any leader, "I don't know!" Use them. Managers aren't hired because they have the answers. They're hired because they can find people with the answers.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
3 Steps to Critical Thinking
DVD style course with completion certificate only
30 ways to make more time
Managing your time effectively
The aim To show individuals when and where time management is a priority in their working lives, and how they can learn to manage their time more effectively. About the program Most people may think they are efficient. But unless they know how to manage their time, it's unlikely they will ever be fu... read more