
This program covers basic use of numbers in every day language. Itintroduces ordinal numbers, simple words, expressions and tips and apractice section.

In thisprogram people use numbers in everyday situations.

Introduction: Carol,Barney, Steve and Serena introduce the program.
Chatting: Phone numbers, addresses, zip codes,lucky numbers and prices.
Language and grammar: 
Ordinal numbers.
New words:  a pair I a century.
Funny things we say:  Different ways of saying the same number and double and triple numbers.
Listen and repeat:  Clips selected from this video, followed by areal time gap to repeat what you hear.
Tips:  Carlos (from Mexico) and Tammy (from China)share their experiences about learning English, and give some tips

This is available as part of

Simple English Series - 20 program set
The Cutting Edge Simple English Series packagewas designed by psychologist Eve Ash, linguistics expert Dr Fran Byrnesand features comedienne Erin Brown and a team of talented performersfrom the Cutting Communication Comedy Series.  It comprises 20 ground-breaking programs that combine psychology,lin... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
English as Second Language
Release Date
Jan 1, 2015
Video Running Time (minutes)
Seven Dimensions - Eve Ash
Course ID