
In this program Eve Ash, Psychologist and Founder Seven Dimensions, interviews Sadhana Smiles, Director, RealChange to explore some practical advice and strategies. Sadhana Smiles explains the key ingredients for developing your sales people:
• Hire the right people
• The value of a work test
• Hire for attitude
• Set a strong path from day 1
• A personal business plan
• Top salespeople develop relationships
• Managing different skill levels
• Regular training is a must
• Create a desire to belong

This is available as part of

Insights and Strategies Series
Inspire best practice performance with up-to-date knowledge, insights and strategies from a range of business leaders in Australia and USA, interviewed by Psychologist, Eve Ash. A brilliant range of new programs on hot business topics to inspire awareness and improvement. These invaluable lessons fo... read more
Video Running Time (minutes)
Seven Dimensions - Eve Ash
Course ID