
From the award winning producers of Blueprints for Safety, CLMI Safety Training is pleased to announce its latest video training program for hearing conservation -Are You Listening, Jim?-

This program presents the story of one worker-s struggle with his own -inner voices- that encourage him to take better care of his hearing. Your workers will understand that it is not just the noise at work that can cause hearing loss, but excessive sound levels off the job as well. The overall message is simple, hearing loss is permanent but preventable and everyone needs to take care of their hearing any time they are exposed to high levels of noise.

Using high end graphic production techniques, creative dialog and compelling visuals, your employees will start "hearing voices" that encourage smart hearing protection choices.

  • The mechanics of hearing
  • How sound affects the ear and how hearing loss occurs
  • Warning signs of hearing loss
  • Types of hearing protection and how to use them
  • How annual hearing tests measure and record hearing loss
Hearing Conversation
CLMI Safety Training
Course ID
