Courses: 1 - 8 of 8
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1440 Minutes
Every man, woman and child on the planet wakes up each morning with the same 1440 minutes. It's what they do with them that makes all the difference.Every day contains 1440 minutes. This motivational meeting opener challenges the viewer to use every minute to it's fullest. Using both historical foot... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
30 ways to make more time
Managing your time effectively
The aim To show individuals when and where time management is a priority in their working lives, and how they can learn to manage their time more effectively. About the program Most people may think they are efficient. But unless they know how to manage their time, it's unlikely they will ever be fu... read more
Effective delegation
Responsibility, authority and accountability
The aim To guide managers on how to share responsibility and authority with others. About the program Three managers are expanding a regional sales office into a full operating depot for their company. Together they learn the benefits of good delegation and how to achieve it, and create an action pl... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Making time
Priorities, people and procedures at work
The aim To help individuals focus on making the most of their time to the benefit of their business and personal lives. About the program Not every individual is a manager or can delegate work to others, and must learn that making time work for them is a key lifeskill. This program focuses on three
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Project management
Leading a project team
The aim To give those tasked with managing projects the skills to maximize their team's performance. About the program Everyone has to manage projects, but not everyone knows how to do it well. Bad management skills can be a costly drain on time and money, causing frustration and stress for everyone... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The unorganized manager: part 1 Damnation
The aim To show managers the importance of adopting essential time-management and delegation skills. About the program The first two parts of The unorganized manager series show that no matter how efficient managers may think they are, they cannot be fully effective until they learn how to manage th... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The unorganized manager: part 2 Salvation
The aim To show managers the importance of adopting essential time-management and delegation skills. About the program The first two parts of The unorganized manager series show that no matter how efficient managers may think they are, they cannot be fully effective until they learn how to manage th... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The unorganized manager: part 3 Devine Intervention
Divine intervention
The aim To show organized managers the importance of organizing their teams. About the program This video, which picks up from the story in the first two parts of the series but can be used as a stand-alone resource, shows how effective managers can create time to focus on their teams. The now organ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only